ARL Weekly News – May 31, 2019

ARL Weekly News – May 31, 2019 HQ On May 30, 2019, Xinrong Ren attended the American Chemical Society’s 2019 Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County in Baltimore, MD. He gave an invited talk entitled “Ozone Photochemistry during OWLETS-2 and LISTOS in Summer 2018” and presented some results on ozone…

ARL Weekly News – May 24, 2019

ARL Weekly News – May 24, 2019 ATDD Rick Saylor served as a member of the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) version 5.3 model Review Panel which took place May 21-23 at the U. S. EPA National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL) in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. The Computational Exposure Division (CED) of NERL is…

ARL Weekly News – May 17, 2019

ARL Weekly News – May 17, 2019 ATDD LaToya Myles is co-author of a paper entitled, “Developing Scientists as Champions of Diversity to Transform the Geosciences,” that was recently accepted for publication in the Journal of Geoscience Education. Authors are Kathleen Quardokus Fisher (Florida International U.), Eric Kaufman (Virginia Tech), Oriana Calagna (Florida International U.),…

ARL Weekly News – May 10, 2019

ARL Weekly News – May 10, 2019 HQ ARL hosted the second annual Ozone Water Land Environmental Transition Study (OWLETS) and sixth annual Tropospheric Ozone Lidar Network (TOLNet) Science Team Meetings in College Park, Maryland, from May 6-8, 2019. Over 50 scientists participated in the joint event, representing NOAA, NASA, and EPA, as well as…

ARL Weekly News – May 3, 2019

ARL Weekly News – May 3, 2019 ATDD LaToya Myles participated in the spring meeting of the AGU Honors and Recognition Committee on May 1-2 in Washington, DC. The 12-member H&R Committee maintains oversight of AGU’s honors and recognition programs at all levels – Union-wide (medals, fellows, awards, and prizes) and across the 25 Sections.…

ARL Weekly News – April 26, 2019

ARL Weekly News – April 26, 2019 HQ ARL hosted members of the Department of Commerce budget staff on April 22 and Congressional staffers on April 23. Acting Deputy Director Dr. Ariel Stein presented “ARL 101” to both groups, along with a tour of the air chemistry laboratory. Inline Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF)/HYSPLIT…

ARL Weekly News – April 19, 2019

ARL Weekly News – April 19, 2019 ATDD Bruce Baker is a co-author on a manuscript entitled, “Developing a coordinated National Soil Moisture Network to integrate soil moisture data for the United States,” which has been accepted by EOS. From 12-14 April, Temple Lee and Michael Buban participated in the eighth intensive observation period (IOP)…

ARL Weekly News – April 12, 2019

ARL Weekly News – April 12, 2019 HQ Xinrong Ren attended the Energy-Related Air Quality and Health Effects Research Workshop and Long Island Sound Tropospheric Ozone Study (LISTOS) Meeting in Albany, New York from April 9-11, 2019. He gave a talk titled “Ozone Production and Its Sensitivity to NOx and VOCs during LISTOS 2018” and…

ARL Weekly News – March 28, 2019

ARL Weekly News – March 28, 2019 ATDD A paper entitled “Evaluation of the High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) model using near-surface meteorological and flux observations from Northern Alabama” by Temple R. Lee, Michael Buban, David D.Turner (NOAA Earth Systems Research Laboratory, Global Systems Division), Tilden Meyers, and Bruce Baker was accepted for publication in Weather…