ARL Weekly News – May 17, 2019

LaToya Myles is co-author of a paper entitled, “Developing Scientists as Champions of Diversity to Transform the Geosciences,” that was recently accepted for publication in the Journal of Geoscience Education. Authors are Kathleen Quardokus Fisher (Florida International U.), Eric Kaufman (Virginia Tech), Oriana Calagna (Florida International U.), LaToya Myles, Carolyn Brinkworth (UCAR), Denise R. Simmons (U. of Florida), and P. Grady Dixon (Fort Hays State U.). The paper describes outcomes from the authors’ NSF-funded professional development workshop, GOLD Institutes (GOLD: Geo Opportunities for Leadership in Diversity), which provided geosciences leaders with the tools and skills necessary to be self-reflective of their own ideas and to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in their respective academic and government institutions.

Winston Luke attended the spring 2019 meeting of the National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP) in Madison, Wisconsin from May 13-17, where he served as the Secretary of the Network Operations Subcommittee (NOS). NADP is a cooperative program comprised of five monitoring networks and over 500 independent sites that provide long-term, high-quality air and precipitation measurements to evaluate atmospheric deposition over space and time. NADP’s Executive Committee instructs program direction based on recommendations from its five subcommittees (two technical and three science). Existing science subcommittees include Critical Loads of Atmospheric Deposition (CLAD), Total Deposition (TDep), and the Aeroallergen Monitoring Science Committee (AMSC). An emerging initiative in NADP would create a subcommittee to integrate the program’s mercury deposition and concentration networks within a larger scope of emissions and deposition effects science. This Mercury Science Subcommittee will seek input and guidance from leading mercury scientists in academia, state and local government, and for-profit and not-for-profit stakeholders to synthesize and integrate NADP’s networks within this larger mission. The initial meeting of this group will take place at NADP’s fall meeting in Boulder, Colorado from November 4-8, 2019.