ARL Weekly News – February 16, 2018

HQ Dr. Ariel Stein is an invited speaker for the NOAA Educational Partnership Program’s upcoming 9th Biennial Education and Science Forum, during which Mark Cohen and Alice Crawford will be providing HYSPLIT tutorial. Scheduled from March 18-21, 2018 and hosted by Howard University and NOAA Cooperative Science Center in Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology (NCAS-M), the…

ARL Weekly News – February 9, 2018

HQ Alice Crawford added capability to the, which automates the retrieval of the ERA5 grib files for conversion to ARL format. The program can now download ERA5 ensemble of data assimilations (ERA5 EDA) for use with HYSPLIT. The ERA5 EDA has 62 km global resolution and 3 hourly analysis fields. There are 10…

ARL Weekly News – February 2, 2018

HQ Dr. Ariel Stein participated as an invited lecturer of the Master Interunivesitario en Ingenieria Ambiental, teaching the graduate course entitled “Contamination Atmosferica: Origen, Tratamiento y Control” at the Universidad Internacional de Andalucia in Huelva, Spain. This graduate course is considered one of the top courses in Spain regarding environmental pollution and air quality. The…

ARL Weekly News – January 26, 2018

ATDD “Testing and Development of Transfer Functions for Weighing Precipitation Gauges in WMO-SPICE”, by John Kochendorfer, Rodica Nitu, Mareile Wolff, Eva Mekis, Roy Rasmussen, Bruce Baker, Michael E. Earle, Audrey Reverdin, Kai Wong, Craig D. Smith, Daqing Yang, Yves-Alain Roulet, Tilden Meyers, Samuel Buisan, Ketil Isaksen, Ragnar Brækkan, Scott Landolt, and Al Jachcik was accepted…

ARL Weekly News – January 19, 2018

HQ Over one million served again! In 2017, a new record was achieved for the most HYSPLIT simulation ever produced on the READY web server (, with over one million (1,217,438) simulations performed exceeding the previous record set in 2016 (1,094,305). HYSPLIT simulations have seen a steady increase since 2009 when results were tabulated. READY…

ARL Weekly News – January 12, 2018

HQ A one day HYSPLIT short course was given to 13 participants on Sunday, January 7, 2018, as part of the 98th American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting in Austin, Texas. The short course titled, “Using PC/Mac-based HYSPLIT for Basic Trajectory and Dispersion Applications” was designed for novice HYSPLIT users and focused on the basic…

ARL Weekly News – January 5, 2018

HQ​ Starting in early February, Xinrong Ren will participate in the Fluxes of Greenhouse Gases in Maryland (FLAGG-MD) project to continue characterizing the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the Baltimore-Washington area. The University of Maryland’s Cessna 402B research aircraft will fly over this area to measure GHGs, meteorological variables, as well as other trace gases…

ARL Weekly News – December 8, 2017

HQ Dr. Hyun Cheol Kim visited the National Institute of Environmental Research, Korea for a project progress meeting. In collaboration with Ajou University, ARL scientists (Drs. Hyun Cheol Kim, Tianfeng Chai and Fong Ngan) have worked on the Korea-Monitoring Emissions Modeling System (K-MEMs) project which aims to design a framework of State Implementation Plan in…

ARL Weekly News – December 1, 2017

HQ Alice Crawford the University of Maryland Atmospheric and Oceanic Science departmental seminar on Thursday, 30 November. Her talk was titled HYSPLIT: Modeling the transport and dispersion of atmospheric tracers. At the request of the Washington VAAC (volcanic ash advisory center), Alice Crawford provided HYSPLIT runs simulating the eruption of Agung volcano in Bali. The…