ARL Weekly News – February 14, 2020

Ariel Stein and Xinrong Ren are among the co-authors of a manuscript titled “Wintertime CO2, CH4 and CO emissions estimation for the Washington DC / Baltimore metropolitan area using an inverse modeling technique” that was accepted for publication in Environmental Science & Technology. Alice Crawford gave a presentation titled “Volcanic Ash Forecasting for Aviation” to…

ARL Weekly News – February 7, 2020

Nebila Lichiheb, LaToya Myles, Will Pendergrass, Bruce Hicks, and Ariel Stein met with Dr. Torreon Creekmore from the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) to review Nebila’s planned research as an Intelligence Community (IC) Postdoctoral Fellow and discuss opportunities to advance urban meteorology programs. The IC Postdoctoral Program is administered through Oak Ridge Associated Universities…

ARL Weekly News – January 31, 2020

On January 30-31 Ariel Stein and Xinrong Ren participated in the Urban Greenhouse Gas Testbed Workshop at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Gaithersburg, MD. Participants in the workshop included representatives from different federal agencies and universities as well as several international organizations and institutions, all of whom are involved in some way…

ARL Weekly News – January 24, 2020

Dr. Hyun Cheol Kim will travel to South Korea January 27 – February 4 to attend three separate meetings, beginning with a project progress meeting at Ajou University focused on satellite and emission top-down approaches in East Asia. He’ll also participate in an air quality workshop at Ewha University and meet with colleagues at the…

ARL Weekly News – January 17, 2020

ARL Weekly News – January 17, 2020 ASMD On January 21st, the OAR Portfolio Team will be holding its inaugural Portfolio Seminar entitled “Subseasonal to Seasonal to Decadal: Extreme Heat” in Silver Spring, Maryland. The Portfolio Seminar Series is designed to improve the communication of the unique capabilities of OAR’s labs and programs and foster…

ARL Weekly News – January 10, 2020

ARL Weekly News – January 10, 2020 Ten ARL scientists are scheduled to present at the American Meteorological Society’s 100th Annual Meeting in Boston January 13-16. The group will give a total of 15 presentations, with topics ranging from modeling, forecasting, prediction, analysis and validation, to meteorological observation and instrumentation, to model interoperability, hazard detection…

ARL Weekly News – January 3, 2020

ARL Weekly News – January 3, 2020 ASMD Tianfeng Chai co-authored “Elucidating emissions control strategies for ozone to protect human health and public welfare within the continental United States,” a paper that was published in the December 23 issue of Environmental Research Letters. The significance of this paper is that quantifying the contribution of reductions…

ARL Weekly News – December 13, 2019

ARL Weekly News – December 13, 2019 ASMD & ATDD Barry Baker, Praveena Krishnan, Nebila Lichiheb, Tilden Meyers, LaToya Myles, Allison Ring, and Youhua Tang gave presentations at the American Geophysical Union’s Centennial Fall Meeting December 9-13 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, CA. Dr. Myles also served as a panelist for a professional…