ARL Weekly News – May 31, 2019
On May 30, 2019, Xinrong Ren attended the American Chemical Society’s 2019 Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County in Baltimore, MD. He gave an invited talk entitled “Ozone Photochemistry during OWLETS-2 and LISTOS in Summer 2018” and presented some results on ozone and its precursors from two aircraft studies conducted in Baltimore and New York City/Long Island Sound areas in summer 2018. (OWLETS: Ozone Water-Land Environmental Transition Study; LISTOS: Long Island Sound Tropospheric Ozone Study)
The National Soil Moisture Network (NSMN) conducted its ninth consecutive annual workshop on soil moisture research and development at Kansas State University in Manhattan, KS, from May 22-24, 2019. Topics of soil water covered by these presentations included: The importance of soil water, soil moisture measurement technologies, soil moisture monitoring networks, soil moisture applications, modeling of soil moisture, remote sensing of soil moisture, and national soil moisture network. Tim Wilson, Atmospheric Research Scientist with Oak Ridge Associated Universities at NOAA/ARL/ATDD, attended the workshop and gave an oral presentation titled “U.S. Climate Reference Network (USCRN) and Gridded Soil Moisture Products,” co-authored by ATDD colleagues Drs. Michael Buban, Temple Lee and C. Bruce Baker and NASA’s Christopher Hain. Tim presented preliminary results on the use of USCRN soil moisture and precipitation to evaluate estimates for drought.
The OAR Executive Leadership Team has selected LaToya Myles to participate in the 2019 NOAA Leadership Seminar. This event will be held August 12-16 at the Airlie Conference Center in Warrenton, Virginia.
Nebila Lichiheb was recently awarded an appointment with the Intelligence Community Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program, which provides two years of support for postdocs from accredited U.S. colleges, universities, and government laboratories who are engaged in unclassified academic research. Nebila’s work will focus on improving the prediction of hazardous chemical dispersion in urban environments. She will continue to be stationed at ATDD for the duration of her appointment.