November 2023 Revision (v5.3.0)
- Add Freitas plume rise scheme.
- Add the api2arl_v6 converter that reads scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface for pressure levels.
- Expand the CONCPLOT -c option to take the number of contours.
- Add -c60 and -61 options to CONCPLOT that use intervals of sqrt(10).
- Add +8 option to CONCPLOT for specifying near-min contour level.
- Adjust the wind error flag by checking IDSP and ZICONTROLTF.
- Update HYSPLITPLOT to version 0.9.1.
- Replace STAMEN_TERRAIN and STAMEN_TONER map backgrounds with OPEN_STREET and OPEN_TOPO, respectively.
- Arrays are allocated with zero initial values.
- Updates to api2arl_v5 converter.
- Display message when no plume is drawn.
- Updates to XML generation for KML XSD compliance.
- CONPROB prints an error message when no input files are present.
- CONPROB works with concentration grids of different sizes, provided grid spacings remain the same across concentration grids.
- Updates to PARTICLE.DAT and PARTICLE_STILT.DAT formats.
- Increase the number of vertical levels to 99.
- ARW2ARL -b option can take up to 4 digits.
- Add -d option to CONAVGPD.
- Bug fix with updating internal vertical coordinate after advection.
- Bug fix with updating time averaging wind for backward runs.
- Bug fix with initializing variables for Grell convection.
- Bug fix with plotting vertical projection trajectories.
- Bug fix with creating KML when initial plot frames are empty.
- Bug fix with creating KML for concentration-to-station via GUI.
- Bug fix with extracting station via graphical user interface.
- Bug fix with setting lat lon domains for DATA_DEL.
- Bug fix with clustering trajectories via graphical user interface.
- Use wget instead of ftp when downloading meteorological data files with Windows PC.
January 2022 Revision (v5.2.0)
- Updates to FORTRAN plotting utilities including options for creating SVG rather than Postscript files.
- Option for user-defined vertical levels added.
- Unit testing using cmake added in testing/ctests directory.
- Update to arw2arl converter to allow for soil moisture and soil liquid water to be output.
- Update to vmixing for input/output filenames.
- Update to xtrct_grid to add -s option for skipping level.
May 2021 Revision (v5.1.0)
- Add Sofiev et al. plume rise algorithm.
- Add CESM data2arl, drn2arl, and aer2arl data converters.
- Add insect additional horizontal speed to trajectory calculations.
- Update python dependencies for graphics to work with macOS Big Sur.
- Correct square area emissions for particles.
April 2020 Revision (v5.0.0)
- Inclusion of center of mass trajectory option.
- Updated bdyfiles.
- Integration of python in postprocessing graphic utilities.
- Incorporation of STILT routines, which include: 1) a new vertical interpolation scheme for ARL files derived from the WRF model; 2) a new mixed layer scheme that uses excess temperature for convective cases; 3) a new boundary layer turbulence parameterization option (Hanna, 1982); 4) an option to have the Lagrangian vertical timescale to vary by space and time following Hanna (1982); 5) a more complex vertical timescale that includes a reflection/transmission scheme that preserves well-mixed distributions of particles moving across interfaces; 6) an extreme convection option; 7) the Grell convective scheme utilizing WRF output convective fluxes; 8) an option to have a random initial seed number.
September 2019 Revision (v4.2.0)
- Fixed bug for interpolating TKE and velocity variances for non-WRF inputs in prfsig.f.
- Added support for TKE from WRF-ARW meteorology to be either vertically staggered or unstaggered and improved the vertical interpolation of vertically staggered variables.
- Default namelist parameters KMIX0 from 250 to 150 and VSCALES from 200 to 5.
- Changed how turbulent velocity is initialized. New namelist variable VINIT = 1 (default) initializes turbulent velocity by drawing from distribution; VINIT = 0 initializes turbulent velocity to zero.
April 2018 Revision (951)
- Changed default value of minimum mixed layer depth (KMIX0) from 0 to 25 meters.
Updated arw2arl.f to include a DIF variable for TKE and output all vertically staggered variables at the bottom interfaces.
implemented new weather balloon functionality for trajectories
February 2018 Revision (927)
- Permit the use of polar concentration grids for both particles and puffs.
- A polar grid puff computation (#420) was added to the testing script.
- emrise: Corrected bouyancy flux conversion factor (FB). This affects the injection height when heat release is input.
- era52arl: Added conversion program for era52arl in the trunk/data2arl/era52arl subdirectory
- mer2arl: Added conversion program for MERRA (NASA) meteorological data in the trunk/data2arl/mer2arl subdirectory
- cdf2arl: converts NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis data in NetCDF4 file to a HYSPLIT compatible format contains a fix that outputs all emission source origin times and locations and improves memory efficiency for IO
- arw2arl: Correction in converting WRF lat lon projection domains to ARL formatted files
- xtrct_stn: Fixed rotation to Earth coordinates for upper level winds
- api2arl: Modified code in the api2arl directory to use ecCodes library rather than grib_api library.
January 2017 Revision (854)
- Added decay of ground-level deposition amounts for daughter product application
- Corrected the computation of the scan index in the polar grid section in consum
- Added polar grid to con2asc
- Added time interpolation for deposition in consum
- c2datem: added option to use height from DATEM file if available
- Corrected virtual temperature calculation when using meteorological datasets containing RH
- concmbn: – added option to crop to a concentration value and a multiplier
- – added minimum grid span (GRDMIN)
- Added density vertical dependency when calculating mixing ratio (ICHEM=6)
- Conmerge: – allow to process cdump files containing minutes
- – allow for crossing a year by using tm2min library function
- Added new HYSPTEST program to test model inputs and suggest appropriate changes.
- Conappend – error checking – if grids differ, etc.
- Gridplot – Added source location to plot
- Added inverse modeling executable (lbfgsb) that solves the Transfer Coefficient Matrix for the source term vector
- Added new program ecm2arl that converts ECMWF meteorological data to ARL format (based on grib2arl)
February 2016 Revision (804)
- Added Ganser fall velocity applicable for particles larger than 20 microns
- New option to calculate nuclide daughter products
- Bug fix to allow for multiple vertical line sources
- Corrected longitude span for global grids less than 1 degree
- New concadd option to mask base concentration as a factor of the base concentration
- New concadd option to divide 2 concentration files
- More residence time option in trajectory frequency
June 2015 Revision (761)
- More residence time option in trajectory frequency
- Changed default scavenging coeficients for wet deposition
- Enhanced GoogleEarth output for particle plotting programs
- New option to create polar coordinate concentration grids
- Improved handling around dateline for isochron and grid plot programs
- Revised binary to coefficient matrix program to handle arbitrary start and stop times
- Enhanced vertical mixing when convective available potential energy value exceeded (CAPEMIN)
- Permit emission durations of less than one time step
- New option to create talagrand diagram to process ensembles
- New module to compute decay and deposition of the Foot and Mouth disease virus
- Corrected resuspension subroutine
- Added new land use and terrain height files with 0.5 deg. resolution
October 2014 Revision (664)
- Numerous changes to display programs: concplot, gridplot, timeplot, isochron
- Simplified LINUX compilation by moving NetCDF paths to environment from Makefile
- Options to decay concentrations extracted at a point from the output data file
- A diagnostic option was added (krand=3) to turn off particle mixing
- Option to permit the computation of a multi-release time transfer coefficient in one run
- Revised within-cloud scavenging ratio to use cloud-layer rather than grid-cell depth
- Option to specify within-cloud scavenging as a ratio or time constant (like below-cloud)
- WRF data conversion program now supports input latitude-longitude grids
- Revised point source emission algorithm to deal with sub-time step emission durations
- Forced concentration output to disk when time step jumps over end-of sample time
July 2014 Revision (631)
- WRF-ARW converter modified to compute hourly precipitation when data interval less than 1h
- Improved precision for vertical velocity and precipitation fields when using WRF-ARW
- New diagnostic output file with just WARNING messages when they exist
- Numerous corrections to clustering programs: displaying mean trajectories, dateline issues
- CONTROL and SETUP.CFG files from the internet can now be retrieved with comments after hash
- Bug fix in particle plot routines to avoid displaying deleted particles that have no position
- Numerous corrections to Google Earth conversions: year boundary, clamp to ground,
- Added support for bit-map decoding in the NARR GRIB converter
- Revised conversion of NARR GRIB files to be consistent with NOMADS file name convention
- Numerous bug fixes to GUI scripts: reset button, file name data entry
- Updated time-of-arrival graphical product
- GRIB lat-lon grid conversion program extended to support 0.125 deg resolution
March 2014 Revision (577)
- New option to permit two different particle position files for model initialization:
one for initial conditions, particles are continued from a previous simulation, and one for
particle boundary conditions, representing particles emitted during a previous simulation
over the same time domain as the current simulation. - Corrected Mercator/Polar-Stereo projection option with WRF-ARW converter
- New option in the particle plotting programs to show color with age or height
- New concplot option to turn off the printing of the maximum and minimum concentrations
- New namelist option to permit particle position output every time step
- Correction to insure different time period meteorological files are defined when on the same grid
- New option to overwrite particle output file rather than append multiple time periods
- MPI versions now support the command line argument as the suffix for the CONTROL and SETUP files
- Corrected backward version of the GEM subroutines to handle multiple meteorology files
August 2013 Revision (515)
- Numerous issues related to producing KML-KMZ output corrected
- Permit the use of an time varying emissions input file with backward simulations
- Revised source-receptor solution menus to solve for time variation of emissions
- New program to create CSV output files which includes model and measurements
- Revised program to compute radiological dose with new GUI menu
- Resolved problems with particle file initialization when number exceeds array limits
- Random number generator defaults based upon particle number (gt 5000 use faster method)
- Modified conversion for animations to properly overwrite background
- Fixed problem with multiple meteorological grids when source not on all of the grids
- Multiple minor GUI changes to conform to September 2013 workshop materials