ARL Weekly News – November 3, 2017

HQ Barry Baker and Li Pan published the Model and ObservatioN Evaluation Toolkit (MONET) in the journal Atmosphere (  MONET was developed to evaluate the Community Multiscale Air Quality Model (CMAQ) used in the National Air Quality Forecast Capability (NAQFC) modeling system.  MONET is designed to be a modularized Python package for (1) pairing model…

ARL Weekly News – October 27, 2017

HQ Dr. Ariel Stein visited the Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences at Penn State University. He held meetings with several faculty and graduated students discussing common research interests for future collaborations. In addition, Dr. Stein gave a presentation entitled “NOAA’s HYSPLIT atmospheric transport and dispersion modeling system: history, applications, and new developments” at the…

ARL Weekly News – October 20, 2017

HQ Two scientists from Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) and one scientist from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) visited ARL Headquarters this week to provide an update on the progress made and discuss any remaining issues integrating the MELCOR Accident Consequence Code System (MACCS,, developed at Sandia National Laboratories for the NRC, with the HYSPLIT…

ARL Weekly News – January 19, 2018

ARL Weekly News – January 19, 2018 HQ Over one million served again! In 2017, a new record was achieved for the most HYSPLIT simulation ever produced on the READY web server (, with over one million (1,217,438) simulations performed exceeding the previous record set in 2016 (1,094,305). HYSPLIT simulations have seen a steady increase…

ARL Weekly News – January 12, 2018

HQ A one day HYSPLIT short course was given to 13 participants on Sunday, January 7, 2018, as part of the 98th American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting in Austin, Texas. The short course titled, “Using PC/Mac-based HYSPLIT for Basic Trajectory and Dispersion Applications” was designed for novice HYSPLIT users and focused on the basic…

ARL Weekly News – January 5, 2018

ARL Weekly News – January 5, 2018 HQ​ Starting in early February, Xinrong Ren will participate in the Fluxes of Greenhouse Gases in Maryland (FLAGG-MD) project to continue characterizing the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the Baltimore-Washington area. The University of Maryland’s Cessna 402B research aircraft will fly over this area to measure GHGs, meteorological…

ARL Weekly News – December 8, 2017

ARL Weekly News – December 8, 2017 HQ Dr. Hyun Cheol Kim visited the National Institute of Environmental Research, Korea for a project progress meeting. In collaboration with Ajou University, ARL scientists (Drs. Hyun Cheol Kim, Tianfeng Chai and Fong Ngan) have worked on the Korea-Monitoring Emissions Modeling System (K-MEMs) project which aims to design…

ARL Weekly News – December 1, 2017

ARL Weekly News – December 1, 2017 HQ Alice Crawford the University of Maryland Atmospheric and Oceanic Science departmental seminar on Thursday, 30 November. Her talk was titled HYSPLIT: Modeling the transport and dispersion of atmospheric tracers. At the request of the Washington VAAC (volcanic ash advisory center), Alice Crawford provided HYSPLIT runs simulating the…