Title: Senior Scientist, ARL Liaison to NOAA/ESRL
Contact: Tilden.Meyers@noaa.gov
Current Research
Current interests include both the measurement and modeling of energy and carbon fluxes and the interactions of these fluxes between the land surface and boundary layer with an overall goal to improve the representation of the earth surface and boundary layer interactions in both weather and climate models. This research can play a major role in helping communities to adapt and be more resilient to a changing climate and associated extreme events.
Professional Experience:
Atmospheric Scientist, NOAA/Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion Division, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 1985 – 2000, Deputy Director 2000 – 2006, Acting Director 2006 – 2009, Lead Climate Science Advisor for USCRN 2000-2022.
Visiting Assistant Professor, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, January – May, 1985.
- Ph.D. Micrometeorology, Purdue University, 1985.
- M.S. Agricultural Meteorology, Purdue University, 1982.
- B.S. Meteorology, University of Wisconsin, 1979.
Awards, Honors, and Professional Recognition
- 2000 Department of Commerce Gold Medal Award
- 2004, 2012 WMO Norbert Gerbier-Mumm International Award
- 2005 NOAA Bronze Award
- 2009 NOAA Administrator’s Award
- Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
- Guest Editor, Advanced in Water Resources
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0726-4258
Researcher ID: C-6633-2016