*All posters are available below as jpg files.
Atmospheric Chemistry & Deposition
- Assessment of Measurement Artifacts of Atmospheric Mercury Species (Winston Luke, Paul Kelley, Xinrong Ren, Mark Cohen, Richard Artz)
- Improved Calibration Methods for Atmospheric Mercury Measurements (Paul Kelley, Winston Luke, Xinrong Ren, Mark Cohen, Richard Artz)
- Atmospheric Mercury Measurements at the Beltsville Site in Maryland: Trends and Source-Receptor Correlation (Xinrong Ren, W. Luke, P. Kelley, M. Cohen, R. Artz, Mark L. Olson, and David Schmeltz)
- A New Way to Couple the CMAQ Model Using the National Unified Operational Prediction Capability (NUOPC) Framework (Barry Baker, Pius Lee, Li Pan, Youhua Tang, Daniel Tong)
- Land Surface Modeling and Implications to Air Quality and Climate Change (Min Huang, P. Lee, Richard McNider, James Crawford, Eric Buzay, John Barrick, Yuling Liu , Praveena Krishnan and the NOAA NAQFC team)
- OMI NO2 column densities over North American urban cities: The effect of satellite footprint resolution (Hyun Cheol Kim, Pius Lee, Laura Judd, Barry Lefer, and Li Pan)
- Satellite Retrievals of Marine Emissions (Daniel Tong, Li Pan and Pius Lee)
Climate Observations and Analyses
- Sonic Anemometer Vertical Wind Speed Biases (J. Kochendorfer, T.P. Meyers, J. Frank, W.J. Massman, M.W. Heuer)
- The Spatial Distribution of Air-Surface Exchange of CH in Alaska(R. Dobosy, E. Dumas, ARL, ORAU; J. Kochendorfer, ARL Federal; D. Sayres. Harvard University)
- US Climate Reference Network Soil Properties (T.B Wilson, J. Kochendorfer, C.B. Baker, T.P. Meyers, H. Diamond, J. Bell, M, Palecki)
- Intercomparision of Land Surface Temperatures (Praveena Krishnan, T. Meyers, J. Kochendorfer, B. Baker, E. Dumas, Pierre Guillivic, Borja Martos, Devon Simmons, Samuel Williams, Simon Hook)