ARL’s Dr. LaToya Myles Chosen to Serve on AGU’s Honors and Recognition Committee
April 2018
April 2018
Dr. LaToya Myles, Deputy Director of ARL’s Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion Division, joined the American Geophysical Union’s (AGU) Honors and Recognition Committee last month at the behest of AGU’s President. When asked about her new role, Dr. Myles commented, “I’m honored to be asked to serve on this committee to help continue the tradition of excellence in AGU awards and to continue to promote diversity and inclusion across the spectrum of AGU members.”
The 12-member committee maintains oversight of the Union’s honors and recognition programs at all levels, spanning not only the 24 individual sections that represent the scientific breadth of its members but also Union-wide recognition efforts. Members were carefully selected to include professionals from both government and academia with varying backgrounds and career experience levels from among the sections.
As a member of AGU for the last 15 years, Dr. Myles has chaired sessions and served as a panelist at the annual fall meeting, helped judge student paper awards, and served as a mentor in the undergraduate mentoring program. For the last four years, she served on the Union Award Committee for the International Award, an honor presented annually to an individual, group, or small team of scientists “for making an outstanding contribution to furthering the Earth and space sciences and using science for the benefit of society in developing nations.” Dr. Myles will now serve on the Honors and Recognition Committee through December 2019.
About AGU and the Honors and Recognition Committee:
AGU is an international, non-profit, scientific association with over 60,000 members in 137 countries. The Honors and Recognition Committee “recognizes all constituencies and fosters a planet-wide network of individuals in the Earth and space sciences who epitomize excellence and cooperation in research, education and outreach.” For more information, please visit