ARL Weekly News – November 23, 2018
James Wood visited a local elementary school and gave a weather talk to the third grade class. The presentation consisted of a demonstration of wind, temperature, relative humidity, and pressure instruments; an explanation of the basic science behind weather and the relationship between weather and wild land fire safety; and a question and answer session.
Walt Schalk prepared and finalized the agenda, and conducted the (November) Department of Energy (DOE) Meteorological Sub-Committee (DMSC) conference call. The call consisted of an update of activities at DOE/National Nuclear Security Administration HQ, a round robin update of program status of those on the call, significant weather impacts around the DOE complex, a brief update on the 2019 Annual meeting, a follow-up to the atmospheric dispersion modeling system (AERMOD) discussion, and the start of a discussion on the “Qualified” Meteorologist topic.