Flash Leaflet Maps: This week the HYSPLIT Weather Forecast Office website interface was updated to allow the HYSPLIT results to be displayed on a JavaScript Leaflet open source mapping application. The updates are necessary to meet a June deadline when support will end for the mapping software used in current versions of the interface. Most of the functionality of the previous application has been adopted in the new application and work continues to add more capabilities. Work is now underway to convert the HYSPLIT web application on the READY web site to the Leaflet mapping application.
Pius Lee of ARL and Jeff McQueen of the National Weather Service represented the National Air Quality Forecasting Capability (NAQFC) team to share the recent advances and lessons learned in the research and operational forecasts of the NAQFC provided to the nation’s forecasters in the 36th International Technical Meeting for Air Pollution Modeling in Ottawa, Canada. Their respective presentations were entitled: “Performance differences of the National Air Quality Forecasting Capability when there is a major upgrade in the chemistry modules,” and “Evaluation of the NOAA Finite Volume (FV3) model for Air Quality applications.” They were well received and stimulated enthusiastic discussion and knowledge exchange among other operational centers from other countries and continents. There were much common subjects in air chemistry and emission upgrades constraining the accuracy and rapid upgrades in scientific advancement to reflect the dynamics of the chemical regime and emission evolution. Such rapid changes were seen in recent years in both the developed industrialized as well as emerging industrialized nations. Atmospheric composition village is testified by the regional and hemispheric characteristics of long range transport and the weather and climate forcing by long-lived species.