ARL Weekly News – March 5, 2021

Recent Events

Educational Interview

Bruce Baker was interviewed by the Director of the Iredell Museum in Statesville, NC.  The interview was done virtually and will be part of an ongoing series of educational weather videos that will be used by the museum for the local K-5 grades.  The first one was on “What is Meteorology,” the second one will be on severe weather, and the third will be on climate.

RMSC website transition nears completion

The Air Resources Laboratory, together with NOAA’s National Weather Service’s (NWS) National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), are designated by the World Meteorological Association (WMO) as the Washington Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre (RSMC). NOAA has begun the final phase to transition the products provided by its RSMC to a 24/7, fully operational website for the WMO community.

ARL scientists in the HYSPLIT group actively worked with NCEP Central Operations (NCO) to transition and migrate products to an operational website to perform these tasks and host the products on a NCEP site ( password required). Future developments will provide fully operational products, including HYSPLIT runs, to WMO community members. Once the website migration is completed later in 2021, the Washington operations will be conducted at NCEP by NCO Senior Duty Meteorologist (SDM) and ARL will provide support as needed.