ARL Weekly News – March 30, 2018
Xinrong Ren and a few researchers from University of Maryland conducted two research flights over New York City on March 26, in collaboration with a research group from NOAA/ESRL/CSD who have been measuring volatile organic compounds using a mobile lab in New York City and its surrounding areas. Whole air samples were collected during the flights, both upwind and downwind of the area where the mobile lab was making measurements. The air samples are being analyzed and the results will be compared to the measurements by the mobile lab. Similar coordinated measurements on the ground and in the air are planned to be conducted in this coming summer during the Long Island Sound Tropospheric Ozone Study (LISTOS).
A special Atmosphere issue edited by Pius Lee, Rick Saylor and Jeff McQueen has been released. It is highlighted by its encompassing themes: “Air Quality Monitoring and Forecasting.” Their special issue has 13 articles including an editorial by Lee, Saylor and McQueen. The special issue focused on the synergies and co-benefits of lock-step improvements in atmospheric modeling and ground-truth verification. The tight tandem in monitoring and forecasting improvement often culminates in accurate forecasting, and optimal design and deployment of monitoring instrumentation. The special issue is available at