ARL Weekly News – February 25, 2022

Recent Events

USCRN Briefing to the US Farm Bureau.

At the request of Robert Nadeau, Director Of External Affairs at NOAA Headquarters, Dr. Howard Diamond was requested, in his role as the U.S. Climate Reference Network (USCRN) Program Manager, to provide a 5-minute overview of the USCRN  to a group of senior officials from the U.S. Farm Bureau, on February 28th.  The goal of this meeting was to provide a brief overview of NOAA’s various climate, weather, and water products and services that would be beneficial to this group to see there may be some needs, or gaps in data and services that would benefit the agriculture industry. Other presentations were made from the NWS, NESDIS, and from within OAR (in addition to ARL) both the Physical Sciences Laboratory and National Integrated Drought Information System were involved.  With only 5 minutes to present the overview, there was only so much information that could be conveyed, but Dr. Diamond left the group with his e-mail address with an invitation to feel free to contact him with any possible questions or clarifications.

ARL Support to JCSDA

The OAR Tiger Team on the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation (JCSDA) held its first meeting on February 23rd to discuss JCSDA priorities for OAR. Dr. Alice Crawford attended as a representative from ARL. Dr. Youhua Tang from ARL has been working on a chemical data assimilation system to support the UFS. They will assist the team in drafting a list of OAR priorities for JCSDA. If anyone in ARL has data assimilation requirements that they would like to ensure are accounted for, please contact Alice so that she can ensure that they are conveyed to the Tiger Team