ARL Weekly News – August 23, 2019
OAR Data Management Group – At the request of Gary Matlock, OAR’s Deputy Associate Administrator for Science, a new OAR Data Management Group has been formed to help coordinate and serve as an OAR-wide advisory group related to NOAA’s Environmental Data Management Committee (EDMC). The OAR representative to the EDMC is Eugene Burger at the Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, and this new OAR group will assist him in actions he may get from the EDMC. Given his past experience with data management, as well as his current role with that topic related to the U.S. Climate Reference Network, Howard Diamond has been named as the ARL representative to this new group. Howard will be occasionally contacting people across ARL with respect to this activity, and very soon, he will be sending around a spreadsheet to capture information related to the data management activities across ARL. Eventually, there will be a NOAA-wide data call from the EDMC on data management activities, and as such, Howard wants to be prepared for being able to answer that on behalf of the various systems and programs across ARL. This initial information he will be collecting will also help him in making a presentation to the new OAR group on data management activities across ARL.
Praveena Krishnan attended an international conference on “Fluxes of Greenhouse Gases and Energy Across Ecosystems – Five Decades to State-of-the-art of Measurements and Modelling” held at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, from 20 to 22 August 2019 and gave a presentation entitled “Response of energy, water and CO2 fluxes to vegetation during Land Atmospheric Feedback Experiment.”