ARL Weekly News – August 11, 2023

Recent Events

NOAA Administrator, SRC visit Air Resources Lab as part of College Park Meeting

As part of the Senior Research Council meeting the week of Aug 10, the NOAA Administrator and SRC members toured ARL and the Air Resources Car. Following briefings on ARL research topics such as HYSPLIT, Western Mesonets, Air Quality forecasting, forest micrometeorology and UAS systems for boundary layer research, the leadership team took a brief ride in ARL’s Air Resources Car. This mobile platform is used to identify and measure greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants, particularly in urban environments.

Left to right: Administrator Spinrad, Phil Stratton, Xinrong Ren, ARL Director Ariel Stein, OAR Director Steve Thur, in the NOAA Air Resources Car.
Left to right: Administrator Spinrad, Howard Diamond, and Xinrong Ren describe urban greenhouse gas emissions detection.

UFS Webinar

Barry Baker presented The history and development of the NOAA FENGSHA dust emission scheme for the UFS webinar series August 10th.