Two ATDD Scientists Present at Climate Mission Meeting

November 2018

ATDD’s Howard Diamond and Tilden Meyers participated in NOAA’s Climate Program Office (CPO) Earth System Science and Modeling meeting November 6-7 in Silver Spring, Maryland, along with ARL’s Acting Director, Dr. Ariel Stein. Dr. Diamond, the U.S. Climate Reference Network (USCRN) Program Manager and U.S. Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) National Coordinator, presented a lightning talk entitled, “Air Resources Laboratory’s Role in a Bedrock to Boundary Layer (B2B) Initiative.” Diamond’s presentation highlighted the inter-relationships between observations, modeling, services, and products, and explained both ARL’s efforts to fill the current void of in-situ measurements in the lower atmosphere and the means by which ARL systems (USCRN, unmanned aerial systems, chemical tracers, etc.) and ARL-funded efforts (such as the GCOS Reference Upper Air Network) play key roles in this B2B effort. During a session on linking observations to process understanding and model improvements, Dr. Meyers presented “A Multi-Lab Integrated Observation and Modeling Approach to Understanding Land-Atmosphere Interactions: A Bedrock-to-Boundary Layer (B2B) Approach,” along with Dr. Dave Turner from NOAA’s Earth Science Research Laboratory (ESRL) – Global Systems Division. Meyers, a Senior Scientist within ATDD, is now located at ESRL in Boulder, Colorado, in a move designed to further solidify collaborative efforts between the labs, especially as related to land-atmosphere interactions; a key driver of operations to research activities aimed at improving sub-seasonal to seasonal forecasts.

Organized by the CPO, the meeting’s objective was to connect key stakeholders within and outside of NOAA to engage in strategic planning regarding the agency’s climate mission over the next five years. Key discussion topics included research needs, science priorities, and partnership strategies.

Station instruments on top of the mountain
USCRN station on Mauna Loa, Hawaii. Credit: NOAA

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