Research Highlight:
ARL to Train Argentina’s National Weather Service on HYSPLIT model
Beginning September 29 through October 2, the Air Resources Laboratory (ARL) will train staff at Argentina’s National Weather Service (NWS) on the HYbrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) transport and dispersion model to help them support operations at their Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC). The training, which will take place at the NWS Headquarters in the city of Buenos Aires, will cover a broad range of HYSPLIT applications, such as calculation of trajectories, management of meteorological data, and simulation of transport and dispersion of volcanic ash and other pollutants. This training will result in the NWS being able to independently perform operational activities pertaining to the simulation of the transport and dispersion of pollutants in the troposphere.
Background: Buenos Aires, Argentina is one of nine VAACs, created by the International Civil Aviation Organization, tasked with monitoring volcanic ash plumes and running a dispersion model to forecast the plume movement in their respective area. Each VAAC is responsible for providing an advisory whenever a volcanic event occurs in their area. Currently, Argentina uses ARL’s HYSPLIT model via the ARL web server. However, ARL’s web server is intended for research rather than operations. Therefore, there is a need for Argentina’s NWS to develop their own operational dispersion modeling capability.
Significance: Developing and executing volcanic ash dispersion models is a critical activity of the VAACs who need to provide accurate forecasts and warnings to the aviation community keeping aircraft away from dangerous areas. ARL’s training of the HYSPLIT model will allow the Buenos Aires VAAC to perform volcanic ash modeling operationally in their local systems. In addition, the HYSPLIT model may be used to calculate the spatial and temporal evolution of other substances, such as smoke from forest fires, Patagonian dust, and hazardous material releases into the atmosphere. In return, NOAA may benefit from Argentina’s research activities with incorporating new improvements into the model.