Dr. Winston Luke Elected to Prestigious Atmospheric Science Committee
November 2018
November 2018
ARL congratulates Dr. Winston Luke on his election to the National Atmospheric Deposition Program’s (NADP) Network Operations Subcommittee (NOS) board. Dr. Luke’s appointment officially begins at NADP’s spring meeting in May 2019. He will serve the first of his three-year tenure as the organization’s Secretary, then advance to Vice Chair and Chair, respectively.
NADP is a cooperative program comprised of five monitoring networks and over 500 independent sites that provide long-term, high-quality air and precipitation measurements to evaluate atmospheric deposition over space and time. NADP’s Executive Committee instructs program direction based on recommendations from its five subcommittees (two technical and three science). The Network Operations Subcommittee, one of the two technical subcommittees, serves as a forum for the discussion and evaluation of issues pertaining to station siting, equipment, and procedures for sampling and analysis in all NADP networks. NOS oversees field-siting criteria and laboratory and sample collection protocols, and evaluates equipment and record keeping methods. As Secretary, Luke is responsible for assisting the Chair and Vice Chair with meeting preparation, recording meeting minutes and providing them to the Executive Committee.
Dr. Luke is known for his leadership in developing and optimizing operating protocols used in national and international monitoring networks, as well as for convening global workshops to improve sampling methodologies in existing networks. During his decades-long career at NOAA, Dr. Luke developed and tested methodologies to quantify and successfully reduce measurement uncertainties and led pioneering efforts to measure mercury using aircraft; leading to expanded measurements of mercury in the air and precipitation worldwide. He is also a recipient of the coveted Department of Commerce Silver Medal Award for exceptional achievement.
For more information regarding NADP, please visit: https://nadp.slh.wisc.edu/