ARL News
Seminar By David Dehenauw, Meteorologist for Fossett Balloon Flight
October 10, 2002
David Dehenauw, good friend of the Air Resources Laboratory and meteorologist with the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium (RMI), gave a presentation to NOAA at the NOAA Library on November 13 on the “Meteo-Management of the successful Steve Fossett Around-the-World Balloon Flight.” He discussed the goals, risk-analyses, risk management related to meteorology, strategy, and the weathermaps and trajectories in chronological order from the flight. David also explained how he and Luc Trullemans (RMI meteorologist) worked as a team during the flight and how they used ARL’s READY system and NCEP’s forecast models to successfully guide the balloon through some difficult weather.
Contact information: Glenn D. Rolph
Phone: (301) 713-0295