ARL News
Second WMO Conference on Women in Meteorology and Hydrology
June 10, 2002
Plans are being made for the 2nd WMO Conference on Women in Meteorology and Hydrology, to be held in March 2003 in Geneva. An international group of 7 women recently met in Silver Spring to articulate the conference agenda, identify speakers and participants, and formulate the agenda. This conference will assess progress (or lack thereof) since the first WMO meeting on women’s participation in meteorology and hydrology, which was held in December 1997 in Bangkok, and will focus on women’s participation in the activities of the WMO. Analysis of a recent survey to member nations indicates, in an overall sense, little change over the past 5 years in the rate of participation of women in the work of the WMO, both at the Secretariat and in its constituent bodies.