ARL News

Peer Review of NOAA/ARL’s Air Quality Modeling Research Program

March 14, 2007

The Community Modeling and Analysis System (CMAS) Center of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC assembled a panel of experts, representing academia and government, to critically review and comment on the Air Resources Laboratory (ARL) Atmospheric Sciences Modeling Division’s air quality model development and applications research activities during December 2006. On February 20, 2007, the peer review panel released its report on the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model, developed by ARL scientists. The Panel concluded that “…staff working on the CMAQ Modeling Program are conducting state-of-the-science model development and research whose overall breadth and quality is unmatched by any group worldwide.”, and identified specific areas for continued research. ARL scientists will continue further development of the CMAQ model along the lines recommended by the Panel. The peer reviewers’ full report will be posted on the CMAS web site.

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Contact information:
S. T. Rao
Phone: (919) 541-4542