ARL News

New version of HYSPLIT available via the web


June 22, 2001

After extensive testing, Hysplit version 4.5 is now available through the ARL READY web site and a PC executable download. The new version contains the recent dynamic allocation enhancements, and permits use of global latitude-longitude data grids. Previous versions of the model required input meteorological data to be on a conformal map projection. The NCEP/NCAR reanalysis archive of CDC has been restructured to permit HYSPLIT simulations using these data. The original archive is available for public download through CDC, with data files that are by variable and year. These files have been restructured so that all variables required for a transport and dispersion calculation are together as one file per month. These global files require about 125 mb per month after repacking into ARL Hysplit compatible format. Currently data for 1978 through 1999 are available on-line through READY

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