ARL News
Kudos to READY from the America’s Cup
March 4, 2003
We frequently receive glowing comments on the utility of the ARL READY website. The following is a bit unusual, since it relates to the distant southern hemisphere. The comment comes from a crewman of one of the yachts recently participating in the America’s Cup race in New Zealand.
I “wanted to take a moment and thank you again. There’s no real way that I can express just how good your site is. There’s nothing that can even be considered in the same sentence. Most web data sources are mainly vehicles to display how clever the programmer is, and are fundamentally useless for operational purposes, but yours not only displays the vastly superior programming, but is ideally set up for operational synoptic meteorologists, anywhere in the world. . . . I’m sure that most people take it for granted, but as one that came up through the sheet of paper and dividers era, it continues to be one of the worlds great wonders.
“Please pass on my . . . comments to anyone in NOAA that might not appreciate just what a tool you have created.”
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