ARL News

DCNet at the Center Of Preparations For The Inauguration


December 13, 2004

The role of DCNet as a provider of high-quality meteorological data to satisfy the needs of dispersion forecasting is becoming widely recognized. In essence, the DCNet program is a quasi-operational research activity, that is specifically intended to bring model developers and end users together. Such a close collaboration has hastened development in the past, and today’s experience with the planning for the coming Presidential inauguration shows signs of being no different.

A new measurement system is now operational at the Navy Research Laboratories. The forecasting systems that are designed to make direct use of DCNet data are now running at several locations, including the Herbert C. Hoover building. Several other agencies are requesting installations, and the options are being discussed with them. Each is aware that these are indeed quasi-operational systems. We are primarily interested in working directly with the end users so that the developments can be tailored to their specific needs.