ARL News
Climate Reference Network – A Smooth Operation
February 14, 2005
ARL’s Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion Division in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, has been at the helm as the Climate Reference Network (CRN) is being installed. ATDD staff have refined the insrumentation and have completed the installation of all of the existing sites. With the commissioning today of two more CRN sites, there are now 60 commissioned CRN stations.
An additional ten stations are running in burn-in test mode (non-commissioned status) for a current network total of 70 stations.
A report from NCDC today draws attention to the reliability of the program. The network (all 70 stations) is currently functioning at an average data ingest rate of 99.7% for the past five months. No CRN stations are running at less than the minimum standard of 98%. That includes non-commissioned stations.
31 stations are running at a five-month data recovery rate of 100%.
The success reflected in these numbers is due to he devotion and skill of the ATDD team and the IT experts at NCDC.