Air Resources Laboratory joins the National Centers for Environmental Prediction to introduce students to NOAA career opportunities

October 2, 2024

September 20 the NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction (NCWCP) hosted an influx of students from ten local colleges, universities and secondary schools to introduce them to career opportunities within NOAA. National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Deputy Director Adria Schneck was the force that started NOAA Career Day to help build relationships with the community that identify and nurture young talent, particularly from underrepresented communities. 

Objectives included introducing students to a variety of career paths available at NOAA and building a local hiring pipeline. By bringing in NOAA employees from many different areas and focuses, students were exposed to the range of opportunities within the agency, from research and operations to administration and more. Qualifications required for various roles were also discussed so students would see that there are opportunities for many different careers, and begin planning their education to prepare them to enter careers that excite and inspire them. 

With its strong presence in Prince George’s County and the larger DMV community, NOAA understands that there is a great opportunity to identify and nurture local talent. Showcasing different careers and providing networking time with NOAA employees helps to create a pathway for future recruitment and career development within NOAA. 

The NOAA National Weather Service (NWS) NCEP conceived Career Day, but quickly recognized that including the other NOAA organizations located in the NCWCP would expose the students to a broader range of career possibilities, and ultimately be of greater benefit to NOAA. Air Resources Laboratory (ARL) scientist Lacey Holland jumped at the chance to join the organizing committee from the beginning. She acted as ARL’s representative during the planning, helped draft the agenda and gave feedback on the promotional products for the day. She also helped organize the student tours of ARL’s laboratory facility. 

man standing on stage behind a podium gesturing towards a presentation being projected on a screen next to him
Howard Diamond gives an overview of ARL’s work at Career Day. Credit: Tracey Bien-Aime (NOAA/Earth Resources Technology, Inc.)

Atmospheric Sciences and Modeling Division Director Howard Diamond gave an overview of ARL’s work in the early part of the program. Administrative Officer Michelle Howard represented ARL in a roundtable discussion of career choices and opportunities with fellow panelists Michelle Mainelli (NWS Deputy Director), Zack Taylor (Weather Prediction Center Section Chief), and Moderator Erica Grow Cei (NWS Public Affairs Specialist). Michelle Howard did a great job bringing her perspectives of a career at NOAA to the students and fielded questions about what interested her in working at NOAA and how she got there. 

woman sitting on couch with microphone
Michelle Howard fields questions from students about her career at NOAA. Credit: Tracey Bien-Aime (NOAA/Earth Resources Technology, Inc.)
three women and one man sitting on two couches on a stage
Michelle Mainelli and Zack Taylor. Credit: Tracey Bien-Aime (NOAA/Earth Resources Technology, Inc.)
man and woman standing in a lab full of computer equipment
Xinrong Ren (left) engages with students during the tour of ARL's lab. Lacey Holland stands to his left. Credit: Howard Diamond (NOAA)

After the sessions in the auditorium, students were encouraged to network with the participating employees. Students also had the opportunity to sign up for tours. Scientists Winston Luke, Xinrong Ren and Phil Stratton set up displays in the ARL Lab for students who took part in guided tours of several facilities at NCWCP. They demonstrated the sensors they use to monitor greenhouse gases and air pollution and talked about their work and its implications to understand, predict, and mitigate the impacts of climate change and poor air quality.  

Overall the first NOAA Career Day at NCWCP was a success, bringing in over 150 students. Adria Schneck said: 

“The NOAA NWS NCEP is committed to recruiting a workforce that mirrors the communities we serve. Career Day at the NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction in College Park, MD is one of many steps to realizing this vision.

Being located in Prince George’s County affords us an opportunity to partner with local Minority Serving Institutions, Historically Black Colleges and Universities and secondary schools to build a local pipeline for students to become a NOAA professional in their own community. We expose students to the myriad of NOAA careers which include scientists, communicators, business managers, technologists and many others.

We will build off the success of this event and continue to strengthen our partnership with locally serving academic institutions.”