USAGE: concplot -[options (default)] -a[Arcview GIS: 0-none 1-log10 2-value 3-GoogleEarth] -b[Bottom display level: (0) m] -c[Contours: (0)-dyn/exp 1-fix/exp 2-dyn/lin 3-fix/lin 4-set] -d[Display: (1)-by level, 2-levels averaged] -e[Exposure units flag: (0)-concentrations, 1-exposure] -f[Frames: (0)-all frames one file, 1-one frame per file] -g[Circle overlay: ( )-auto, #circ(4), #circ:dist_km] -h[Hold map at center lat-lon: (source point), lat:lon] -i[Input file name: (cdump)] -j[Graphics map background file name: (arlmap)] -k[Kolor: 0-B&W, (1)-Color, 2-No Lines] -l[Label options: ascii code, (73)-open star] -L[LatLonLabels: none=0 auto=(1) set=2:value(tenths)] -m[Map projection: (0)-Auto 1-Polar 2-Lamb 3-Merc 4-CylEqu] -n[Number of time periods: (0)-all, numb, min:max, -incr] -o[Output file name: (] -p[Process file name suffix: (ps) or process ID] -q[Quick data plot: ( )-none, filename] -r[Removal: 0-none, (1)-each time, 2-sum, 3-total] -s[Species: 0-sum, (1)-select, #-multiple] -t[Top display level: (99999) m] -u[Units label for mass: (mass), see "labels.cfg" file] -v[Values[:labels (optional)] for fixed contours: val1:lab1+val2:lab2+val3:lab3+val4:lab4] -w[Weight for contour smoothing: (0.25), none=0.0] -x[Concentration multiplier: (1.0)] -y[Deposition multiplier: (1.0)] -z[Zoom factor: 0-least zoom, (50), 100-most zoom] NOTE: leave no space between option and value