DATEM - 22 March 2013 __________________________________________________ The archive is divided into 8 directories with the original documentation, reformatted experimental data, configuration files to run HYSPLIT, binary and text model results, statistical results, sample plotting programs, statistical programs, and the raw data files where available. The meteorological data are available from in the /pub/archives directory with sub- directories of /narr, /reanalysis, /wrfarw, or /mm5. See the indivudal experiment control files in /mdl_cfg to determine which meteorological data were used for each experiment. Meteorological data have been reformatted to be directly compatible with use by HYSPLIT. Experiments included in the DATEM archive are ACURATE, ANATEX, CAPTEX, ETEX, INEL74, METREX, OKC80, and SRP76. Each directory contains data from all exeriments, unless otherwise noted. The directory structure is as follows: document Copies of PDF reports for each experiment as prepared by the experiment authors. Summarizes many details about the methodology and usually tabulates the raw data prior to any DATEM processing. The raw data files where available are found in the raw_data directory. The DATEM report "datem.pdf" is located in this directory. exp_data The emissions and sampling data processed into the standared DATEM format. Standard file name convention for each experimental subdirectory is to name the files emit-t?.txt and meas-t?.txt for the emissions and measured sampling data, respectively. mdl_cfg Example simulation CONTROL, SETUP, and execution files are provided for the HYSPLIT ATM. These files can be used as guidance for each user to set up their own ATM inputs, or run their own simulations using HYSPLIT. The CONTROL files show the link to the required meteorological data files. mdl_data ATM output files are written to this directory for each experiment. Execution examples are provided that convert HYSPLIT output files to the DATEM format with standard file names such as ct1_001.txt. Users should place their ATM outputs in this directory. mdl_stat Execution examples are provided that read the DATEM format experimental data (exp_data) and ATM results (mdl_data) and created the statistical analysis output files avg1_001.txt (averaged data) and gbl1_001.txt (unaveraged paired in space and time) in each experiment subdirectory. plot_pgm The "c2grads" directory contains a Fortran 90 program that will convert the merged measured and predicted files output from the "statmain" program to GrADS format. In addition, the program also creates all required GrADS control files. GrADS can then be used to contour the measured and model results. stat_pgm The "c2datem" program is an example to convert HYSPLIT output files to the DATEM format. The "statmain" program is the primary statistical program used to analyze ATM performance. raw_data Contains the digital data files in their orignal format for each experiment as referenced by the reports in the document directory.